Sunday, September 14, 2014

What is sentence? English learning lecture No.1

    Lecture No.1    
What is sentence?

In the alphabet of the English language there are twenty six letters (حروف)

Alphabet:(حروف تہجی) 

ٓAlphabet are divided into two groups:

1. Vowels (A, E, I. O, U)

2. Consonants: (The letters other the vowels are called consonants).

A Word (لفظ): ٓ

A meaningful combination of different letters is called a word. For example, Diary, Aslam, Train, Wagon, Book etc.

(مختلف حروف کے بامعنی مجموعہ کو لفظ کہا جاتا ہے۔ مثلاًڈائری، اسلم، گاڑی، وغیرہ)

A Sentence:

A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete sense.


ٓA completely meaningful combination of different words is called a sentence.

الفاظ کا ایک ایسا مجموعہ جو اپنا پورا مفہوم ادا کرے فقرہ کہلاتا ہے۔ مثلاً

1. John does his work.
2. I know him.
3. She acceded to my request.
4. He hankers after riches. 
5. Birds fly.


1. Subject: (مبتدا، فاعل، مسند الیہ)

The word of words denoting the person or thing about which something is said are called the subject of the sentence.

مبتدا ، فاعل یا مسند الیہ فقرے کے وہ الفاظ ہوتے ہیں جن کے بارے میں کچھ بتایا جائے۔ مثلاً

1. Birds fly.
2. Dogs bark.
3. John is writing a letter.

مندرجہ بالافقرات میں پرندے ،کتے اور اسلم کے الفاظ فاعل کہلاتے ہیں۔ کیونکہ ان کے بارے میں بتایا گیا ہے۔ پرندے اُڑتے 

ہیں۔ کتے بھونکتے ہیں اور اسلم ایک خط لکھ رہا ہے۔
PREDICATE (مسند خبر)

The word or words used to say something about the person or thing denoted as the subject are called the Predicate of the sentence.

کہتے ہیں۔Predicateفقرے کے وہ الفاظ جو فاعل کے بارے میں کوئی خبریااطلاع دیں انہیں
مندرجہ ذیل چارٹ سے فاعل اور مسند کی مزید وضاحت کی جاتی ہے۔

  • Subject:  This is pen
  • Predicate: is very good
  • Subject: A man
  • Predicate: Came to my house.
  • Subject: Children
  • Predicate: make a noise.


A combination of words that makes sense, but not a complete sense, is called a phrase.

کہتے ہیں۔ مثلاًPhraseالفاظ کا ایسا مجموعہ جو کہ مفہوم ادا کرے مگر پورا مفہوم ادا نہ کرے اس کو 
  • In the east. 
  • In a corner. 
  • On the river. 
  • Through thick and thin. 
  • A bird in the hand.


A sentence which is a part of a larger sentence is called a Clause. It contains a Subject and a Predicate. 

For example:

(i) This is the house/where we live.
(ii). she has a chain/which is made of gold.

In the first sentence "we" and a predicate "live". 


"This is the house" 

is a sentence having "this" for its subject and "is" for its predicate. But both are parts of larger sentence and hence each of them is called a clause.

(on the basis of their meanings)

Sentences may be classified either (1) on the basis of their meaning or (2) on the basis of their construction or structure.

1. Assertive or Declarative Sentences (خبریہ جملے):

Sentences which simply tell us that some action or event has taken place or not are called assertive or declarative sentences.

ایسے فقرات جن میں کسی کام یا واقعہ یا بات کے ہونے یا نہ ہونے کے بارے میں خبر دی جائے انہیں خبریہ جملے کہتے ہیں۔ مثلاً

(1) Riaz is a hardworking boy.
(2) Robina is not writing a letter.
(3) They do not agree to your proposal.
(4) Rizwan has finished his work.

2. Interrogative Sentences (سوالیہ یا استفہامیہ جملے)

Interrogative sentences are sentences which ask questions.

ایسے فقرات جن میں کسی بات یا چیز یا شخص کے بارے میں استفسار کیا جائے انہیں سوالیہ یا استفہامیہ جملے کہتے ہیں۔ مثلاً
1. Where are you going?
2. Is it raining outside?
3. What is the time by your watch?
4. How are you?

نوٹ:  سوالیہ جملے کے آخر پر سوالیہ علامت لگائی جاتی ہے۔

3. Imperative Sentences (انشائیہ جملے)

Imperative sentence are sentences which express some request or order or advice. In these sentences the subject 'you' is understood.

ایسے فقرات جن میں کسی کام کے کرنے یا نہ کرنے کا حکم دیا جائے، التجایا درخواست کی جائے یا نصیحت کی جائے انشائیہ فقرات کہلاتے ہیں۔ مثلاً

1. Polish my shoes. (order)
2. Please give me your pen. (request)
3. Do not waste your time. (advice)

4. Exclamatory Sentences (استعجابیہ)

Exclamatory sentences express some strong feelings of mind as joy, sorrow, surprise or wonder. The mark of exclamation (!) is always used at the end of these sentences or words.

ایسے فقرات جن میں کسی ذہنی کیفیت یا جذبات کا اظہار کیا جائے استعجابیہ جملے کہلاتے ہیں۔

1. Hurrah! We have won the match. (joy)
2. Alas! He is dead. (sorrow)
3. What a beautiful birds! (wonder)

5. Optative Sentences (تمنائی جملے)

Optative sentences express some which or prayer.

ایسے فقرات جن میں کسی خواہش یا تمنا یا دعا کا اظہار کیا جائے تمنائی جملے کہلاتے ہیں۔ مثلاً

1. May you succeed in the examination!
2. Would that he were rich!
3. May you live long!

(on the basis of their construction)

Ont he basis of their structure or construction, sentences may be classified as,


A simple sentence is a sentence which has only one predicate or 'finite ver' 

for example:

1. Aslam killed a snake.
2. His courage won him nonour.


A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses of equal rank joined together by some coordinating conjunction.

These clauses are independent of each other. They have simply been joined together.

For example:

Night came on and rain fell heavily and we all got very wet.

The sentence has three clauses of equal rank:

(i) Night came on (b) Rain fell heavily. (c) We all got very wet.

These clause are independent of each to her i.e. each of them can make a complete sense without the other. Hence the sentence is compound.


A sentence which contains one main or principal clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clause is called a Complex Sentence. The principal clause stands by itself and makes a complete sense. Subordinate clauses cannot stand by themselves but are dependent on the principal clause. They are joined together by some sub-coordinating conjunction.

For example:

1. They rested when evening came.

(i) They rested. (Principal clause).
(ii) When evening came. (Subordinate clause).

The clause "When evening came" cannot stand by itself and make good sense. It is dependent on the clause "They rested". It is, therefore, called a Dependent or Subordinate Clause. Such a sentence is called a Complex Sentence.

2. As the boxers advanced into the ring, the people said they would not allow them to fight.

This sentence consists of three clauses:-

(i) The people said. (Main Clause)
(ii) As the boxers advanced into the ring. (Subordinate Adverb Clause)
(iii) They would not allow them to fight. (Subordinate Noun Clause)

It is also called a Complex Sentence.


A Complex Sentence consists of one Main Clause and one or more Subordinate Clauses.


Say which of the following are sentences and which are phrases:

1. At the gate.
2. They arrived.
3. I have seen the film already.
4. Sit here.
5. Int he middle of the street.
6. The boy has gone to college.
7. At noon
8. This book is very interesting.
9. For about a month.
10. By return of post.
11. That is my book.
12. She was tired.
13. IN front of the house.
14. To witness the cricket match.
15. Birds fly.


Separate the subject and the predicate in each of the following:

1. Birds build nests.
2. The postman is coming.
3. Aslam scored twenty-five runs.
4. Rizwan and Aslam are brothers.
5. Six yougn men arrived in a bus.
6. The president of the USA visited our country.
7. That is very helpful.
8. My sister works very hard at her lessons.
9. Who broke the glass?
10. Every sentence contains both a subject and predicate.
11. the books on the table are mine.
12. The cat sat in a corner.
13. Pakistan has won the test match.
14. He always carries an umbrella.
15. The poor old woman gets little food.

-------------------------  First Lecture the End  -----------------------

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